Electro Optic Systems hit back at capital raise rumours
19 Sep 2019 - Electro Optic Systems (ASX:EOS) reports that speculation in the Australian Financial Review regarding a capital raise in the near term is unfounded and incorrect.
19 Sep 2019 - Electro Optic Systems (ASX:EOS) reports that speculation in the Australian Financial Review regarding a capital raise in the near term is unfounded and incorrect.
19 Sep 2019 - Regenerative medicine company AVITA Medical (ASX:AVH) has had a study into treating acne scars published in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery by the Department of Plastic Surgery at Peking Union Medical College Hospital exploring the use of the RECELL.
19 Sep 2019 - Diversified investment house, Washington H. Soul Pattinson and Company (ASX:SOL) today announced the Group’s results for the full year ended 31 July 2019, reporting a net profit after tax (NPAT) of $247.9 million for the year, down 7.1 per cent on the previous corresponding period.
19 Sep 2019 - Air New Zealand (ASX:AIZ) released their investor update for August saying that based upon current market conditions and assuming an average jet fuel price of US$75 per barrel, the airline is targeting earnings before taxation to be in the range of $350 million to $450 million.
18 Sep 2019 - NetLinkz (ASX:NET) will establish an Internet of Things Laboratory in Tokyo, Japan to develop its source code for the Japanese market.
18 Sep 2019 - Centuria Property Funds, as Responsible Entity for the Centuria Metropolitan REIT (ASX:CMA), is pleased to announce the acquisition of interests in two A-grade office properties in fringe CBD locations across Sydney and Perth for a total purchase price of $380.5 million.
18 Sep 2019 - OFX Group (ASX:OFX) today announced an exclusive strategic partnership with Link Market Services (ASX:LNK), where OFX will become Link’s preferred partner in Australia for international payments such as dividends and corporate action payments on Link’s Investor Centre platform.
18 Sep 2019 - Smart building materials company ClearVue Technologies (ASX:CPV) is pleased to announce that it is now able to almost double the size of the panels produced.
18 Sep 2019 - Adriatic Metals (ASX:ADT) has appointed Paul Cronin as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Company.
18 Sep 2019 - Salt Lake Potash (ASX:SO4) has completed the Pilot Plant test work of the Lake Way salts at the Saskatchewan Research Council.